Revealing dynamic indicators for precision health
Enabling personalized medicine through sensors that are capable of sequencing critical biomolecules at incredibly high sensitivities.
The bottleneck to true predictive, personalized medicine lies in the tools we have access to. The world is in need of better ways of decoding molecular biology at scale.
Using principles that underpin modern semiconductor devices, we’ve developed techniques that are capable of high throughput, high accuracy sensing of various molecules (DNA, RNA and proteins) and their variants.
This kind of technology has enormous implications
in our ability to discover new drugs, develop more precise diagnostics, and ultimately bring predictive/personalized medicine to the world.
We’re building a team of exceptional, hands-on engineers and scientists to make our vision a reality.
We’re constantly pushing boundaries in process engineering, electrical engineering, signal processing, and chemistry.
We subscribe to the Galilean notion that as a society, we work at the limit of our tools. To that end, our goal is to build the next generation of tools. We’re highly optimistic and are driven by pushing the bounds of technology.